What To Check When Looking For A Dog Sitter

Lino wearing our Houndstooth Jumper
Got your pet during the pandemic and were working from home and now you have to back to the office and are trying to find someone trust worthy to take care of them? We get it! Whether you got your furry friend during covid or before that, letting someone else take care of them can be quite stressful, let alone finding the right person. That’s why we’ve gathered essential tips to help you during your searching process.
Before getting into the daunting process of online searching for the rare gem, try asking in your close circle! If your friends or family have pets, chances are high they might have been through the same trouble as you are facing now, but also found the solution to this issue. They might have someone to recommend you, a friend of a friend, or a professional; or might also have advice on who to avoid in your area which is always a bonus!
If unfortunately you don’t have anyone who can help you in your search, worry not. You have us! Here are a couple of trusted websites we’d recommend you to start looking for the perfect pet sitter:
- Barking Mad Dog Care
- Trusted Housesitters
- Rover
- PawShake
Now that you have a search base, here is what you should look for in your dog’s future friend.
Okay, it might seem like an obvious one, we know. But you can’t simply write an article about how to find the perfect dog sitter without mentioning experience. Because sure, your niece or nephew get along well with you dog, they would be very friendly and loving with them, and it would be a nice way to get them to go outside and earn some pocket money; sure. However how will they react if your furry friend meets another dog in the park and try to run off? Or if your dog gets sick and needs first aid? Someone with experience will know how to react to any situation they might face. Now if your niece or nephew are experienced and have already dog sat professionally, then of course consider them.
When looking for a pet sitter, make a list of experience criteria which are important to you. It can be the number of years they’ve been working with dogs, if they have first aid training, or they in contact with a local vet in case of emergency, are they willing to come and stay at your house if that’s what you need? Or how many walks a day could they do with your dog? Are they insured? How would they entertain or take care of them? Would your dog be with other dogs?

Hudson wearing our Pastel Hoodie
Flexibility is one of the key criteria you should look for into anyone who is to take care of your dog. If you’re working on a day to day or week to week schedule, make sure you hire someone who can adapt their time to yours! Look for someone who doesn’t mind last minute demands.
Your pet sitter is going to play an important role in you and your dog’s life, they’re going to help you make your daily life easier and help you focus on work or help you enjoy stress free vacations. So it is crucial to hire someone reliable, someone who will be able to keep you updated on your dogs welfare, someone capable of showing up on time, respecting a schedule planned out together. It will be essential for you to warn them as to how early they would have to warn you if there was a change in their work times, and establish a protocol to follow if that was to happen.
Reliability will be central when it comes to your dog’s education as well. The dog sitter will need to show consistency and firmness when spending time with them. We spend so much time training our pets to behave, to not sit on furniture or bark pointlessly, it would be a shame to not share your likes and dislikes about your dog’s behaviour with them, or them not respecting them. So while you need to make sure they would act appropriately, also make sure to give them all the tips and rules you’ve set for your furry friend.

Ferdi ready for his walk with our Ribbon Pastel Harness
Last but not least, let your dog have a say in the matter! You might find the perfect pet sitter on paper, but before hiring them, make sure you get to meet them in real life and see how they get along with your dog. Of course they might not get along straight away, and with time your dog will warm up to this new person, but if your dog shows any sign of discomfort, it’s worth trying to meet with other sitters to see how they react.
And with that, we can only wish you good luck and hope you’ll find the perfect match for your furry friend!