Fun Summer Activities To Do With Your Dog

Summer is finally here! The sunny warm days bring great opportunities to have fun and bond with our doggies. If you are scratching your head looking for ideas for fun activities to do with your dog this summer then this list is for you.
Water water water
A classic. A quick look at any social media will provide you with infinite proof of a dog’s love for water games.
You can swim in the pool, run around a sprinkler or have a water gunfight. Water introduces a whole new way of exercising and having fun with your pooch.

Upgrade your walk
Get some exercise done while bonding with your dog. Hiking in summer is the perfect morning walk upgrade.
Let your dog take in all the new scents of the wild and give yourself a nice start to the day. Remember to always bring enough treats and water for both of you!
Indoor fun
Summer also brings those days where is a bit too hot to go out exercising with your furry friend. These days are the perfect ones to stay in during the day and push that walk for when the sun has hidden and the temperature has gone down a bit.
Chill near the AC or your preferred fan, do some light exercising with some of your pooch’s favourite toys and get a frozen treat for you and your furry friend.
Beach day
If you can get there, a beach day is loads of fun for you and your best friend.
Run along the shore, swim among the waves or play fetch for a fun pack day. Remember to take some pictures to keep those memories fresh forever.

Picnic season
A picnic is the perfect combination of a walk in the park and a nice day out.
Grab some treats, for you and your furry friend, and spend a day enjoying the green while your pooch runs around.